Dental Implants

Why Dental Implants?

One way to replace lost teeth is with ceramic (zirconia) implants. When you lose a tooth because of a severe infection, severe decay, an accident, or some other reason, you might have a few options for replacing it however dental implants may be a great solution. Dental implants look natural and will function like your normal teeth.

Dental Implant options:

  • Implants (Titanium/metal or Ceramic/non-metal zirconium),
  • Removable partial denture,
  • Fixed bridges
  • or you can decide to leave it an empty space

We offer Ceramic implants at Smart Dentistry’’ these implants are more natural and as a biological dentistry we avoid using any metal implants. 

Why Ceramic implants?

Ceramic/zirconia implants are a good way to replace a missing tooth, they look and feel like your own teeth and will function as such once the crown is installed. 

Why should I not just leave the space without a tooth?

When you lose a tooth, your brain tells osteoclasts to break down the alveolar bone, which is only there to hold the tooth in place. The problem is that the alveolar bone is shared by the teeth next to it, so when it starts to break down, it makes the teeth next to it less stable.

What we do when you lost your tooth.

When you lost a tooth, we prefer to do a CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) scan to measure the density of the bone, this will help us determine if you are a good candidate for a ceramic/zirconia implant.

It is also during this evaluation, that we can decide if you need a bone graft or just PRF (plasma rich in fibrine) from your blood.

It is also important for Dr Astrid Sand to make sure that the gums are healthy and disease free before starting any procedure.

So if you need to have a tooth pulled, we always recommemd you look into the possibility of putting in a ceramic or zirconia implant at the same time. This is the best way to save bone along with PRF, ozone therapy, laser, and tri-calcium-phosphate bone graft. This is why getting treatment right away is better than waiting.



Why a dental implant?

If you don't have an implant or a natural tooth, your bone doesn't know it needs to be there, so it goes away and thins and shrinks over time. This is called atrophy. How much it goes away depends on the person, but usually there is less bone the longer there are no natural teeth or implants. Most of the time, bone grafting, I-PRF, and C-PRF can help with this, but the more of your own bone you have, the sooner you can get an implant and crown and start chewing again in that area.

That's why implants are a great way to replace a missing tooth, but nothing in medicine or dentistry is 100% safe. 

At Smart Dentistry, we offer ceramic implants so that our patients have a choice that doesn't involve metal.


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  • 1140 SE 18th Place Ocala, FL 34471

  • Business Hours:

    Monday 9.00 am - 3.30 pm

    Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

    10.00 am - 6.30 pm

    Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm


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