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Advanced Extraction procedure is done with Ozone

The advanced Extraction procedure is done with Ozone, Laser and PRF

When you need to have a tooth removed, you should have this done the right way in order to avoid ischemic osteonecrosis (cavitation). This is a dead area of the jaw bone that can hurt the whole body and make it harder to heal. At Smart Dentistry, we use a biological protocol to take out teeth.

This consists of:

The NuCalm experience is used to help people relax and heal. It turns on the parasympathetic nervous system in the patient.

Sedation can be offered, and topical anesthesia is used along with P.A.L.T laser topical anesthesia to lessen the pain caused by the needle. Dr. Sand does her best to give anesthesia that doesn’t hurt.

Local anesthesia: We have local anesthetics with or without epinephrine in our office. We use it based on a case-by-case basis and the needs of the patient. Before the procedure, we can discuss all the options.

The procedure:

Luxators are used to keep as much of the bone wall as possible.

Odontosection is when the tooth is cut into smaller pieces. Sometimes it is necessary to make the extraction easier and less painful. We do this with the help of burs and laser.

Alveoplasty: Sometimes bone needs to be taken out to make the extraction easier. This is done with lasers and piezosurgery.

Curettes, piezosurgery, and lasers are used to ensure that all granulation tissue and the periodontal ligament is removed during a thorough cleaning.

Ozone is used to clean the socket, both as ozone water and as ozone gas. We utilize our laser to clean and kill germs to speed up healing and help with bone growth.

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF): at Smart Dentistry, we use many advanced technologies. one is PRF, we have our own prf centrifuge on site. Our office will take a sample of your blood and spin it in a centrifuge. During this process, parts of the blood are separated into platelets, which help stop bleeding, white blood cells, which fight infections; and growth factors, which help the body heal. These cells come from our own blood and are therefore biocompatible and will work well within our body. After the socket is cleaned, the PFR is mixed with a biocompatible bone graft and put into the socket to preserve the socket. This process helps the area heal faster and get more blood flow.

Clot Formation with Laser: We also use our laser to help clots form so that bleeding stops before the patient leaves the office.

Sutures: We have both absorbable and non-absorbable sutures, and the right one will be chosen at the appointment. If the non-absorbable is used, the patient will have to come back to the office a week later to have it taken out.

Post-instructions: Each patient is given both oral and written instructions.

Antibiotics, painkillers, rinses, and other medicines will be given as per the patient’s needs.

Why PRF, laser, and ozone treatments are good for tooth extractions?:

  • Bones heal faster
  • Less pain after pulling teeth
  • less swelling during the wound-healing process
  • Less likely to get a dry socket or bone infection
  • More blood flow to the tooth extraction site right away
  • Pain, discomfort, swelling, and a dry socket are the most common problems that can happen after an extraction. Dry socket happens when the blood clot in the hole where the tooth was pulled falls out soon after the tooth was pulled. Clot movement can cause fibrin to break down and slow the healing of a wound. Laser and PRF with ozone can reduce the chance of a dry socket, ease pain, and help the body heal.

Sutures, or stitches, and a membrane Your stitches might be the kind that dissolves Don’t worry if they fall out on their own after 3 days, or if they start to dissolve on their own 7–10 days after surgery. If your stitches don’t dissolve on their own, you’ll have to come back to the office 7–10 days after the surgery to get them taken out.

If a membrane is used, you will be told, to come back in 3–4 weeks to have the membrane and stitches taken out.
